Portable Non-Contact Ink Jet Stamp
Model IJP – Jetstamp Graphic 970-MP
(REINER – Germany) (12.7mm)
Portable Non-Contact Ink Jet Stamp
Model IJP – Jetstamp Graphic 970-MP (REINER – Germany)
Price - Rs. 1,19,000/-
Portable Non-Contact Ink Jet Stamp Model IJP – Jetstamp Graphic 970-MP (REINER – Germany) (12.7mm), which is a Zero Maintenance, 300 dpi high resolution, Battery Powered SIX line (character height 1 to 12.7 mm) Printer & can be used on Porous / Non-Porous products to print B.No., Exp.Date, Time, Serial No. (AGMARK), Logos, Scannable Bar Codes, etc. on labels, cartons, pouches, drums, containers, etc. It is fully programmable through the computer where it can print 6 lines Data at a very low price. This printer is a totally mobile Solution for Time Date Numbering, Barcodes and Graphics...uses such as; Parts Marking, Package Marking and validating in surgeries, pharmacies, and hospitals, marking dockets and packages in transit, quality control validation, laboratory timing and checking, production controls, delicate product marking, nightclub and meetings entry validation, etc.
The system is inclusive of below mentioned accessories worth Rs. 25,000/- free of cost:
a. 4 Nos. AA Rechargeable Batteries, Computer Software, USB Data Transfer Cable.
b. 1 No. disposable Pre-mix Black ink cartridge, Cartridge cleaning Wipe.
c. Operator Tool Kit, Operation & User Manual, Configuration Software on CD